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Disassembly of motor for ZYD oil filter 2019/8/1

The power should be cut off when the pump is dismantled. Absolutely ensure that the pump can not start accidentally....

Removal of filter element of oil filter 2019/8/1

Reassemble the pump core in reverse order. Make sure that the blades are properly positioned....

Replacement of filter element in Lyboa pump 2019/8/1

A complete set of pump core assemblies with the following reference numbers can be used...

Replacement of Air-cooled System Port of Oil 2019/8/1

Remove the top fastening screw of the cylinder block cover (7/51a-52a), loosen the pump foot at the bottom of the cover (7/94a), and remove the cover....

Cleaning and Replacement of Dust-proof Net of 2019/8/1

The dirt shield for blocking coarse particles is located at the inlet flange of the pump (7/57)....

Description of Electrical Control for Vacuum 2019/4/21

Vacuum oil filter is mainly used for demulsification, dehydration and degassing of oil after water intake...