Replacement of Pressure Safety Valve of Vacuum Oil Filter
Replace the exhaust filter and check the pressure relief valve.
Tools used:
19mm open wrench or sleeve wrench or special tool 71072293.
10mm socket wrench.
When the exhaust filter element is blocked, the valve (6/28) opens and the filter is bypassed. Exit mist and/or high fuel consumption are signs of blockage of exhaust filters.
If oil cracking products increase at high operating temperatures and/or corrosive media, exhaust filters must be replaced more frequently.
Remove the outlet flange (6/2) with liner (6/3). Remove lock nut (6/31) and spring between two washers: remove exhaust filter element (6/29).
Remove the pressure relief valve (6/28) and check whether the activity is free and the seal is good.
Reload in reverse order. To ensure that the exhaust filter elements are well aligned and positioned. Install the spring between the two washers and the fastening stop nut (6/31). 10 mm socket wrench was used to restore it to its original position.
According to the process involved, hazardous substances can spill over from pumps and oils. Take corresponding measures. Comply with safety regulations.
Importantly, when dealing with used oil, the relevant environmental regulations should be observed!
Watch out
Used seals must not be installed; new seals must be installed.
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